Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kids say the darndest things....

Here are a few:

 "I can chop my leg off if I want!"

Child: "Can I open the door while we're driving, what will happen?"
Adult: "Well, either you'll fall out, or we'll pull the car over and you'll be walking."
Child: "Well, if you try and make me walk then I'll just climb on the car and hang on to the roof"

"I'm practicing being dead"

"You are what you say! You are what you say! You are what you say!"

Adult: "Why haven't you eaten your kumara?"
Child: "It tastes yuck!"
Adult: "How do you know? You haven't tried it yet!"
Child: "I just know!"

"If someone tried to kidnap me I'd just kick them in the face!"

Child 1: "Poooooooh, who dun a fart?"
Child 2: "Not me"
Child 3: "Not me"
Child 1: "Who can smell fart?"
Child 3: "Not me"
Child 1: "Ewwwww, YOU DUN IT! Ewwwwwww!"

(Please note: Spelling mistakes are intentional.  It pains me to do so but I feel they are needed)

Child: "Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, daaaaaaaad, dad, dad, dad, dad, DAD!?"
Adult: "WHAT!?"
Child: "Errrrrr, I can't remember".

"How far away are you from dying?"

"How long am I going to live?"  (child has been given the reassuring age of "around 75")

"What if I just want to whack you?"

Adult: "Are you a witch?"
Child: "Yes! A wicked one!"

"What would happen if I just threw this in your face?"


  1. Oh my goodness, freaking hilarious! And sometimes a little scary ;) hehee

  2. Oh my, yes, kids do say the darndest things! Your examples made me smile!

  3. "I'm practicing being dead," sounds like something my 6 year old would say. I frequently refer to her as my April Ludgate.

  4. I'd be concerned about the one that said "How far away are you from dying?"

  5. I'm practicing being dead -- hahah!!!
    Kids crack me up.
    Thanks for the giggles!!

  6. Oh my gosh, kids are such a hoot. I had a little book that I used to keep my kids sayings in. They're packed until we move into the house, but it'll be fun to look back at gems like these. =) "what if I want to whack you?" That's hysterical!

  7. Kids.. sometimes you don't know if you should laugh or freak out at them based on what they say.

  8. Oh my gosh, the Dad Dad Dad Dad I forgot, happens way too often here too!
