Thursday, June 10, 2010

A day of bemusements

Here are some weird things that have happened today:

My boyf was off to Rugby practice and wasn't going to be home for dinner. So I was thinking I'd cook something anyway, for him to have when he got back. But then I thought about popping in on my mum instead, around dinner time.....but then I thought that would be a little naughty of me so I went back to the idea of cooking something - though we didn't have anything in the fridge, so off to the supermarket I went.....and who do I come across in the mum! - Coincidence.

She was talking to a friend of hers about another friend just as I walked up I heard the friend say, "and, oh yes, I came across shelly there too...." - and then I said hello, had a chat, and left them to it.....I walked all through the supermarket and came back upon them, in exactly the same place and the friend was saying, "and, oh yes, I came across shelly there too...." - Ground hog Day Spookiness!!!

Then on my drive back home I could have sworn I saw a swarm of mice (do they "swarm"?) racing along the road STRAIGHT at my car!! But it turned out that it was just a bunch of autumn leaves being propelled at me by this turbulent wind....but it seemed so incredibly real, that for one secound I thought I was having an acid flashback!

Then when I got home I was pottering about, making cups of tea and playing on the xbox when all of a sudden one of the mighty gusts of wind must've blown something fierce cause 3 doors all over the house opened simultaneously and wind came down the chimney flue with this really weird "wwwwrrrrrrrrrroooouuuu" kinda grumbly-groan. - Freaky Deaky Wind Scariness!!!!!

The dog has been super-crazy-cute today - wigging out at every sound, looking and sounding terrified everytime either of us went to the bathroom (- she hates that room - not sure if its the putrid poo smells us humans produce or.....a scary ghost that lives in there and wrenches the door open at unexpected times..oooOOOOOooooo) wanting to scuttle under the blankets, pop out the side of the bed and zoom round the house every half an hour or so. - Mini Cute Freakiness!

And hmmmm....what else.....oh yes...apparently I will never have to work again for, even though I didn't enter any "phone lottery" apparently I have won £400,000 in the 2010 mobile draw - and all i have to do to claim this money is email them at their yahoo address....

Must sign off now - the wind is slamming the outside gate into the side of my room and I'm scared it's gonna go right through the wall!



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