My nana has early onset dementia, which means she looses things quite alot - this week she lost her false teeth. It's amazing how different your face looks when you have no teeth there to fill your mouth out. Instead the skin just hangs, making the person look about 20 years older!!! I hunted high and low and eventually found her upper false teeth underneath her closet! Yay!!!!! Instant youthful appearance restored. Couldn't find the lower dentures anywhere and mum said they'd been missing for months already.
WHERE can they be!!!? It's bugging the hell out of me!
I have 2 new dogs to walk next week. They're my old boss' dogs, Lucy and McVitie. The owner said, "it's amazing that they're both still here actually!" and I was like, "how do you mean?" and he said, "Well, they both nearly died in the last 2 months...." (this doesn't instill alot of confidence in me) ... " Lucy had a great big cancer but we got it cut out and she's doing great, and McVitie cut himself and didn't stop bleeding, and we found out he's -------"
"A HEMOPHILIAC!!!?"............what are the odds? This is ridiculous!!!!!
Apparently rat poison might be to blame. I shall investigate this.
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- Gem
- Hi I'm Gem! I'm a mum, an avid movie watcher, music listener, dog walker, writer of ramblings, reader of other peoples ramblings, wearer of gumboots in the winter, jandals in summer. I bought boots, who knows when I'll get a chance to wear them! Follow my blog and share in my highs and lows. I'm keeping it real I'm also going to attempt vlogging! Eek! Wish me luck! Feel free to subscribe. My posts are sporadic! Enjoy!
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Saturday, April 3, 2010
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